Qualities of a good student? Why does the younger generation complain about the present education system? What major changes would you suggest in the education system?

Qualities of a good student? Why does the younger generation complain about the present education system? What major changes would you suggest in the education system?

Key words: Attitudes toward school; Learning; Competence; Motivation; School failure, Regression trees

A quality education provides the outcomes needed individuals, communities, and societies to prosper. It allows schools to align and integrate fully with their communities and access a range of services across sectors designed to support the educational development of their students.[1]

Now, the next stage would be to ensure that students remain enrolled, and learn — so that they become empowered and productive citizens, who can be the key participants in nation-building and growth-linked economic development.[2]

Attitude can alter every aspect of a person’s life, including their education. Student attitudes on learning determine their ability and willingness to learn. If negative attitudes are not altered, a student is unlikely to continue his education beyond what is required. Changing students’ negative attitudes towards learning is a process that involves determining the factors driving the attitude and using this information to bring about change.[3]

This study investigates the relationship between pupils’ gender, contextual background, age and school failure and attitudes toward school, learning, competence and motivation, while explicitly modelling the multilevel structure of a large data set from an educational context.

The results of this investigation come to reveal the importance to understand attitudes toward school, toward learning, toward competence and toward motivation as affected of different combinations of factors. School effect seems to be the most important factor present in all the models, as the level of experience at school. Another important and emergent factor is contextual factors. This emerges at the models of attitude toward school, attitude toward learning and self-perception of motivation and at the level of parents’ instruction. Thus, it suggests that contextual and cultural experience dictates different kind of attitudes toward school, learning and motivation. Scholar, social and familiar experiences influence pupils’ construction of meaning about school and learning and state the orientation of its motivation and interest toward school. So, equal opportunities to all pupils access to economic, social and cultural resources are crucial, because family and community shall provide tools that improve the value of school and learning to prepare future project of life, as suggested in previous studies,

Academic failure determines pupils attitudes about themselves and their competence, developing the feeling of being less competent than others participants and also more negative expectancies toward future projects and relationships with others

In short, if we keep in mind that for the large majority of pupils success in school depends on their attitudes, the support they perceive (from family, school, community), their motivation to study and keep on going, even when they find barriers or difficulties.

This should be imperative to consider, before taking decisions on the school project, in order to improve the integrative construction and development of curricular and extra-curricular activities that promote ways of teaching and learning closer to student’s interests and preferences. [4]

When I teach in a class..

“Madam is this important? Is it necessary to study?” is the basic question of almost all students.

“Learn the concept and then solve the problems. Don’t ask is it important or not. Because even i don’t know”

We are dealing with a generation in the classroom that learns differently than any generation before them. The traditional school system is boring to them….if they are not being engaged, they are not interested. They need to find what they do as meaningful and aren’t afraid to question the purpose of what they are doing. This is why student-centered learning is so powerful for them.

Very unfortunate that these 3-centuries-old education system has just evolved into what we all have today. Just a big BS of British/Nehruvian education system.

Its not a big coincidence or a surprise that most of the big brand CEOs are of Indian origin. Because we all have been institutionalised by British colonisation so very much, that Indians fit so well into any dynamics of “English ruled world”


What’s new about that ? British became successful in India because they were able to hire sharp and cunning Indian minds to work for their vested agenda. British succeeded because of those hireable Indians who were honest, loyal, dedicated and devoted to their English masters, and carried out all their orders admirably!

Today’s education is just about earning a degree certificate for a livelihood of servitude. The act of serving someone or a cause naturally comes as a consequence of humility, compassion and ones humbleness. Not forcing young minds into concretised syllabus and making them serve MNCs for a better life.

British domesticated us Indians so well for 300 years, that today’s MNCs have it so easy to rule our lives as they wish all over again! Only difference is they are overseas and not physically present here to get it done..

  1. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-do-we-mean-by-a-qual_b_9284130
  2. https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/measures-to-improve-quality-of-education-1349831-2018-09-26
  3. https://education.gov.gy/web/index.php/teachers/tips-for-teaching/item/2192-about-student-attitudes-on-learning
  4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/209270454_Student’_Attitudes_and_Motivation_toward_learning_and_school_-_Study_of_exploratory_models_about_the_effects_of_socio-demographics_personal_attributes_and_school_characteristics
  5. https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-younger-generation-complain-about-the-present-education-system-What-major-changes-would-you-suggest-in-the-education-system

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